From Ripples
To Waves

How the Middle East Conflict Shapes
Mega-trends in Europe and North America

How the ongoing conflict in Israel and the Middle East is shaping global mega-trends

What are the mega-trends triggered and where are we heading

The complex interplay of political, economic,
and social factors in shaping global trends

The importance of critical thinking and informed decision-making in a world of conflicting narratives

This essential
lecture is for:

Community leaders seeking to engage their members in global issues

Educators and policymakers seeking to understand the broader context of current events

Anyone with a desire to gain a deeper understanding of the forces shaping our world

ADI Yoffe


Leading Israeli futurist and trend researcher with a deep understanding of the complex forces shaping our world

Global Speaker

Lecturer at the School of Business at Reichman University, Herzliya


Adi advised governments, businesses, and non-profit organizations on how to navigate the future and identify emerging trends


Adi published her book, NEXT - a manual for disruption, in 2019, as an essential toolkit to help people predict future trends and navigate towards a new reality

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a visionary

Book Adi Yoffe's Lecture
for Your Community